3 Main Reasons to Consider NOC Outsourcing

What is NOC?

NOC stands for Network Operating Center – an internal IT function that includes all of the activities involved in maintaining smooth infrastructure, systems, and network operations.

NOC Remedy for the Moment That Things Will Go Wrong

Ensuring top NOC performance is critical. Otherwise, a given business risk losing clients due to breached SLAs. As one may know, things can go wrong at any time and when least expected during the most inconvenient times. This often means placing your in-house personal on duty out of office hours which is not the best idea if you want to keep your employee retention rate at a good level. Therefore, Outsourced NOC Services for tier 1 may be the solution for you.

Outsourced NOC Services- A Valuable Silent Partnership

Outsourcing NOC services provide companies with dedicated or shared, highly-skilled NOC technicians to provide 24/7 network monitoring, problem resolution, and world-class support. By outsourcing NOC services, everyday NOC IT maintenance tasks are carried out by a team of specialists working on their behalf.

Top 3 Advantages of Outsourcing NOC Services:

  1. Cost: ensuring seamless NOC services provisioning 24/7/365 is costly. Therefore, a lot of businesses are now engaging with dedicated NOCaaS providers. As a result, operational costs in terms of people and management time are lower and predictable. Moreover, since many companies do not require a dedicated team, they can share a team together with other clients thus utilizing resources better and significantly reduce costs compared to the in-house option.
  2. Focus: your in-house staff will be focused on core product support needed to meet your project, business efficiency, and growth goals rather than on day to day operations and maintenance.
  3. Higher SLA Levels and Less Downtime: when you decide to use a managed NOC Service Provider that focuses only on NOC, It’s the only thing they do, and that’s a big plus for you. Alerts, response time, and proactive support that are in place to serve you mean decreases in downtime when problems do arise. When you choose to outsource your network infrastructure monitoring you gain 24/07 support, ensuring that your operations are smooth at any time.

How to Get Started with Outsourcing NOC Services

A prominent concern when businesses consider NOC outsourcing is a certain loss of control. This is an understandable concern, as a key business function is turned to a third-party provider. However, as in any other outsourcing project of other departments such as customer service or web development, when you do it right you should expect an excellent result. Obviously, your key task will be finding the right outsourced NOC provider who can meet all of your current, and projected needs. When you find the right Outsourcing NOC Services provider, you can determine the level and control you want and develop a partnership that will relieve your in-house staff from day to day maintenance tasks that are not strategical or value-adding for your business. Start agile, you can outsource only night shifts and weekends and continue from there to a full scale in case you are happy with the service.

Good luck with outsourcing your NOC!

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